MOR-FREE™ L75-164
Mor-Free™ L 75-164 is a solvent-free, 100% solids, two component polyurethane adhesive system that can be applied at room temperature. As the reactivity of Mor-Free™ L 75-164 is high, the laminates can generally be further processed in as little as six hours. The chemical curing is generally completed within 3 days using C-411 co-reactant or 5 days using C-132-2 at room temperature (72 °F). Mor-Free™ L 75-164 can be used for laminating all polyolefin films, including LDPE to LDPE, OPP to OPP, and OPP to LDPE, as well as nylon, polyester, and other packaging substrates. The films may be unprinted or reverse printed with the appropriate laminating grade inks.
Features & Benefits
Mor-Free™ L 75-164 offers rapid bond development to decrease time needed for processing. The adhesive can be used for a wide range of applications including hot fill and boil-in-bag.
Product Details
Key Properties
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