Products by Regulation

FDA Regulation 21 CFR178.1005

Sec. 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in this section may be safely used to sterilize polymeric food-contact surfaces identified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. (a) Identity. For the purpose of this section, hydrogen peroxide solution is an aqueous solution containing not more than 35 percent hydrogen peroxide (CAS Reg. No. 7722-84-1) by weight. Read Bostik's FDA legal disclaimer
Find A FDA Regulation 21 CFR178.1005 Solution
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Product Name Family Application Method Supplied Solids Viscosity Coating Weight Details Regulations Markets Applications Benefits
ADCOTE™ 35D9 Heat Seal Coatings,Primers Gravure 30 % 500 cPs @ 77 °F 0.5-4.0 lbs/ream FDA Regulation 21 CFR176.180,FDA Regulation 21 CFR177.1630,FDA Regulation 21 CFR176.170,FDA Regulation 21 CFR175.300,FDA Regulation 21 CFR175.105,FDA Regulation 21 CFR177.1210,FDA Regulation 21 CFR178.1005 Food,Medical & Pharmaceutical,Industrial Agricultural Chemicals,Medical and Pharmaceutical Packaging,Condiment Packaging,Portion Packs,General Industrial Grease and Oil Resistance,Moisture Resistance,Adhesion to Foil and Metallized Films,High Chemical Resistance

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